Imperial Beach Democratic Club Community Guidelines:
To ensure the Imperial Beach Democratic Club remains a safe, informative and educational online and in-person environment, we would like you to agree to a few ground rules. This will help to avoid unpleasantness in our community and keep the IBDC a friendly and welcoming place to be.
Community Guidelines Online and Offline:
Be Kind: This is your Club, so please make it a pleasant place to be both at meetings and events and in our online community. Any online posts that are deemed to be antagonistic, condescending, offensive or disrespectful will be removed and the poster may have their web privileges suspended or removed. We have a zero tolerance policy toward cyber bullying and abusive or offensive posts.
Be Respectful: Before posting, please take a moment to consider whether others may find it offensive. Language or images which we deem to be inappropriate will be moderated or removed without explanation.
Be Considerate: As a Club we value other’s beliefs and opinions. When in meetings, do not interrupt if someone has the floor. Wait your turn to speak. When engaging online, have discussions and if it should escalate into an argument, take it offline in messaging.
Be Relevant: Our focus IS politics so it’s not off the table as with most other clubs. However, make sure your posts and discussions are relevant to the issues locally, regionally and nationally.
Be Safe: Consider safety first and be mindful about posting personal information including addresses and phone numbers of your self and others. Event locations, dates and times will be shared publicly.
Privacy Policy
The Imperial Beach Democratic Club does not share membership information with any 3rd party. Your membership information is on a list kept by the VP of Membership and maintained by the Treasurer for dues and VP of Communications for email contact.