Next IBDC Meeting Thursday Jan. 9, 2020
The Imperial Beach Democratic Club will meet on Thursday January 9th at 6:00pm at Seaside Candy, 150 Palm Ave. Agenda to be announced.
Are you frustrated with the state of the union? Don't give up! Speak out!
Visit our meeting and see what's happening in YOUR community.
Invite your neighbors and friends! We're gearing up for 2020!
Join IBDC or Renew Your Membership!
IBDC is a geographic Democratic "arm" of the San Diego Democratic Party. Why join? We are now 73 members strong and have a vote in the South County Democratic Caucus. Their vote goes to the San Diego Democratic Party and on to the State vote. YOUR VOICE CAN BE HEARD!
LIKE our Facebook Page and become an IBDC member to stay informed about upcoming meetings, events, issues and legislation. Benefits of being a member are numerous. Email us with your questions!
Join Our Club/Renew Your Membership
IBDC is a geographical "arm" of the San Diego Democratic Party. As a member, you have a voice and a vote for our local area. Why join IBDC? We aim to make a difference in our community and you can become as involved as you want to be. We address issues within Imperial Beach, San Diego County and the great State of California. Stay informed and let your voice be heard!
Current members have until Jan. 30 to renew their membership for 2020. Get a jump on it and renew now!
Our Membership Dues are Affordable
Are you a student? A veteran or active military personnel? Are you a concerned citizen who wants to make a difference?
You can join the IBDC very affordably.
Student/Veteran/Active Military: $10 annual fee
Annual Membership: $25 annual fee
We make it affordable to become involved in YOUR community, YOUR country: "We the people." Don't be fooled: We have the power.
San Diego Democrats
The San Diego County Democratic Party is the official organization for Democrats in the fifth-largest county in the U.S. With more than 60,000 members, we represent the second-largest community of Democrats in California. As the local embodiment of "America's Majority Party" for voters and candidates alike, we advance our goals through several ongoing programs.
- VOTER REGISTRATION. Throughout the year, in every community of San Diego County, we're signing up new Democrats to vote. Thanks to our efforts in 2008, Democrats now outnumber Republicans in the county for the first time in a generation.
- PRECINCT ORGANIZING. Our all-volunteer Grassroots Organizing Team reaches out to voters where they live, providing information on endorsed candidates and motivating our supporters to vote. That personal attention substantially increases turnout in the precincts we cover.
- CANDIDATE SUPPORT. We have a long-range plan to recruit, train, and support good Democratic candidates at all levels – including local offices like city councils, school boards, and special districts.
- COMMUNICATIONS. To build the Party and support Democratic campaigns, we proactively communicate our message through the media to both Democrats and the general public. We also build relationships with community allies to promote our shared values and priorities.
- FUNDRAISING & INFRASTRUCTURE. The resources to accomplish our goals come from our local supporters in San Diego County. We raise funds to keep our doors open, staff our office, help our candidates, and build an infrastructure to benefit all San Diego Democrats.
Since 1993
Get Involved
The best way to get involved is to register to vote. Allow your voice to be heard at the voting booth. Check your registration status, even if you are already registered. Read up on the laws regarding registration and party affiliation. And, get out the Vote!